Screenshots: film-grab.com and letterboxd.com
It was high time we at For Films’ Sake did this project: My 100 Favorite Movies. This is a fun exercise, but a challenging one all the same. I personally always try to have an even-handed voice when it comes to movies, but this will allow me to go completely with what I love.
Now for a disclaimer. I’ve always been open about saying that I only took up films as a full-on hobby in 2012. Suffice it to say that most of my greatest experiences with films are from the past decade. Since then, the climb is steady to catch up. Trust me when I say (my closest friends can attest) that I have a lot of blind spots that can cause one to give me a side-eye. That being said, a vast majority of the films on my list are from 1990 to the present day. I have NO QUALMS about having a recency bias. Jennifer Lawrence’s favorite movie is Hereditary, a film that came out in 2018. Martin Scorsese has Midsommar in the list of his top movies; that one came out in 2019. No shame.
In the end, you like what you like. That’s all that matters. That’s the beauty of this wonderful art. We can all like different things and shouldn’t be subjected to judgments over personal taste. This was tough to do, limiting to 100. Left many great ones out. But that's the challenge! So here are my 100 favorite movies, in alphabetical order:
