Those who know me best (even sometimes, at all) know that I throw around the word “neophyte” around when describing my affinity for films. I haven’t been an enthusiast that long (specifically 2012), and I’m far from this being an expertise of mine, compared to many talented people I know who do this for a living or have been into this longer. What we all have in common, as lovers of films, is that everyone has that ONE; the one that did it. The one movie that catapulted us into exploring this as a hobby or even a career. It was that summer of 2012 when I decided to explore that side of the entertainment world after being mostly estranged from it. Thus began my way into expanding my film horizons, to develop a better feel and critical mind for the art of moving pictures.
The choice of the one that did it for me brings with it an intriguing backstory. It’s not that it was THE SOLE ONE. It was the one that finally gave me that final push to pursue an interest in films moving forward. I majored in Communications/Media Production. I took three TV courses, so there was a certain feel for the concept of video production from my end. Also, I had dabbled around with some indie films for some time. The interest was there. I just needed that final push. That’s where we arrive at The Dark Knight Rises, the conclusion to Christopher Nolan’s portrayal of the Batman.
On a personal note, I had been faced with an unfortunate situation in my life, and part of the process to distract and heal, I started watching movies constantly. But on that late July day in 2012, the final exclamation point came. My friends (more like brothers, Héctor and Laz, shout out to them!) and I were the first ones to arrive at that theater in Puerto Rico, a mere 5 HOURS before the actual showtime. It was an independent theater, so they had only two screens and one (MAYBE TWO) showings per day. We sat there in front of the box office and waited. People passed by in their cars to ask us if the theater was open, to which we always yelled “No!”. We talked about a plethora of topics, including my growing a beard; I can still hear my buddy Laz hollering: “Man beard!”.
The wait paid off and in we went. I didn’t know what to expect. I had seen The Dark Knight (2008), but never completely in one sitting. I knew how it ended, so I had a better idea of where the story picked off. And yes, I had NOT seen Batman Begins (2005). Why did I go, then, if I didn’t know really what I was seeing? Well, it was a good hangout. Right?
I was immediately hooked upon hearing the sound editing for Tom Hardy’s voice as Bane. Being a sound geek, I couldn’t help but want to absorb and take in every line. I was spellbound. I was also riveted to Anne Hathaway's slinky turn as Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman. As far as I'm concerned, she is a shining light of this film. Then, of course, the movie was solid, had a memorable ending, and what have you. The crowd reactions, the high of such an ending to an iconic trilogy made for electric feel once the credits rolled. The car ride afterward was a “woohoo-ing” fest. It was my first experience of Chris Nolan’s work in a theater and that’s when I decided: “I might take this up as a hobby”.
As you know, my day job is in sport. I spent my 10s and half my 20s learning everything I could about sport. So much so, that I let films go over my head. It was in 2012, when I decided to play catch-up. I went to see The Dark Knight Rises again the next week.
After that, months later, I bought a Blu-Ray player and some movies to start my collection. The first one I bought, you ask? THE DARK KNIGHT RISES.